My Cats
Aurora Blue Yuri – "Yuri"
born 08.08.2016
male neutered
Title: International Premier
Yuri is my first Russian Blue boy and he is indeed unique! He turns out to be more dog than being a cat. He loves nature and is really happy if we are going out for a walk with leash in the garden/wood. He is an open-minded cat as he welcomes each cat we meet while beeing outside. Besides that he is a passionate grass gourmet. He loves to eat grass no matter when or where.
Yuri is shy against foreigners and keep tabs on them, but loves his “mum” to the moon and back. This is a great advantage as I am allowed to check his teeth/paws/ears or trim his nails. It is a special bond that Russian Blue cats build up with their person to be and it lasts for a lifetime!
Jascha vom Grauen Glück – "Jascha"
born 18.04.2017
male neutered
Title: World Premier
Austrian National Winner Neuter 2018 (WCF)
Austrian National Winner Neuter 2019 (WCF)
Austrian National Winner Neuter 2021 (WCF)
Austrian National Winner Neuter 2022 (WCF)
Austrian National Winner Neuter 2023 (WCF)
Best Russian Blue Neuter 2019 (WCF)
3rd Best Russian Blue Neuter 2021 (WCF)
6th Best Russian Blue Neuter 2022 (WCF)
10th Best Russian Blue Neuter 2023 (WCF)
Jascha came to us in August 2017 from Germany. It didn’t last long and Yuri and Jascha became best friends. Today they are inseparable although they are genetically foreigners they are palsy-walsy.
Jascha is our sunny boy; always smiling and in a good mood. He solves every exercise I’m tasking, like doing High Five via Clicker or solving puzzle feeder. Besides that he is also a very chatty boy who loves to cuddle with his family a lot. His intense emerald eyes wow everybody who catches a glimpse at him.
With Jascha I started to attend my first show nationally. Meanwhile we are quite successful and also visiting international shows. Furthermore he became National Winner of Austria 2018 at the WCF-Best Cat competition.
Azreal Warushka Wielka – "Wari"
born 09.01.2019
breeding queen - blood type A
PKD neg, HCM neg, P/L neg, CP neg, LH neg
Title: European Champion
Austrian National Winner Adult 2020 (WCF)
Austrian National Winner Adult 2021 (WCF)
8th Best Russian Blue Adult 2020 (WCF)
Wari arrived 14th August 2019 from Leanne Hewitt in Cape Town and is my first breeding cat!
She is an open-minded and interested cat and likes to cuddle a lot with her human mum! She twists her brothers around her little paws and has ants in her pants when she's playing with her favourite toy - paper balls.
A healthy, well-socialised and genetically diverse breeding cat is crucial for breeding healthy and strong-minded cats. It takes a lot of research work and interviews to find a suitable breeding cat, as well as patience in integrating her well into the new and foreign home. Wari exceeded all expectations and in addition comes up with a unique family background including relatives from South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. That’s why I call her my little miracle girl! Due to her I was able to fulfill my dream and become a Russian Blue Cat breeder.
Aurora Blue Baroness Biskvitovna – "Baroness"
born 05.02.2022
breeding queen - blood type A
PKD neg, HCM neg, P/L neg, CP neg, LH neg
Title: Champion
5th Austrian National Winner Kitten 2022 (WCF)
Best Russian Blue Female Adult (RBBA-Show 2023/GCCF)
Baroness is from our B-litter and stays with us as breeding queen. She represents the British Russian Blue line with a strong and muscular body, beautiful medium blue coat and distinctive whisker pads. Her profile complies with the GCCF standard.
She is a very smart cat and loves to cuddle. Baroness has already attended several shows and became "Kitten Champion 6-10 months".
Aurora Blue Coco Solovna – "Coco"
born 22.03.2023
breeding queen - blood type A
PKD neg, HCM neg, P/L neg, CP neg, LH neg
Title: Champion
2nd Austrian National Winner Kitten 2023 (WCF)
Coco is my whirlwind. She comes from our all-girl litter (litter C) and will support our breeding programm as a future breeding queen.